Linda and Carmen Martino's Photography

Wild Birds , Eclipses , Neon Lights , Night Shots , Fireworks , Sunsets , Balloons , Travel , Wild Animals

Martino's Wild Bird Photo Gallery

Over 400 Species and over 4,000 wild bird photographs. The magnificent world of birds - an incredible variety of colors, shapes, & personality. Full of surprises & endlessly fascinating. Some showing the life cycle of the birds as they nested in our back yard or spots where we could visit as the chicks grew. Although mainly North American birds, some are birds species from the far reaches such as Antarctica.
Allens_Hummingbird Bald Eagle Bufflehead Horned Lark Acorn Woodpecker Northern Cardinal

Eclectic Color Explosion

Eclipses & Moon
Neon Lights
Neon Lights
Night Lights
Night Photography
Hot air Baloon
Hot Air Balloons

Martino's World Wide Travels

This encompasses 40 of the 6x countries we have visited. The photos start 3 decades ago from slides to state of the art camers of today.

Travel Index

Bhutan Canadan Maritime Mexico Japan New Zealand Thailand

Martino's Wild Animal Photo Gallery

Animals from the US, Canada, Costa Rica, Argentina, Peru and Kenya covering the last 30 years.

Animal Index

Galapagos_Land_Iguana White_headed_Capuchin Lion Red-eyed_Tree_Frog Kodiak_Brown_Bear Southern_Elephant_Seal